Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Ground Source Heat Pump Installation

Day 3

Days 1 and 2 were a wash-out: the machines were meant to have been here by 9am on Day 1, but didn't arrive until 10am on Day 3. So there have been two wasted days for four people - let's say about £1,200 - so no wonder the GSHP costs tens of thousands of pounds to install.

Anyway, above we see one of the machines in work.  They are big beasts and immediately started chewing up the garden.

After six hours or so the first two (of five) trenches have been dug.  Each is 1 metre wide, 1 metre deep and 50 metres long.  Each will later be filled with 250 metres of "slinky" piping. The guys have done a good job except that each trench is meant to be separated by 2 metres from the other - and they've only left room for a separation gap of 1.7 metres. I shall need to have a word with the site foreman tomorrow.

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